Our methodology and approach

Our approach is simple. Our recruitment managers are client-centric. We strive to understand the clients and share their objectives.

Our recruitment managers strive to understand the clients and share their objectives.

Understanding the organisation and specific position

The process begins with our experienced executive search and recruitment managers developing a clear understanding of the organisation and the specific position.

We seek to understand the client’s organisational structure and management framework alongside their operational practices, and the talent and experience required for the role in the long and short term.

Based on this information, we can then help the client refine and review a job description and candidate specifications, including a competitive benefits and remuneration package.

Creating a search and recruitment plan

Next, we formulate an executive search strategy that is consistent with the client’s needs in terms of time, confidentiality and remuneration budget.

We can devise a tailored search and recruitment plan combining executive search, database search and advertised selection.

Executive search

Some positions demand a unique skills profile and strict requirements in terms of technical knowledge, professionalism and market standing. Our direct approach and headhunting services can access a pool of candidates who may not appear in other sources.

We research the market to identify and define a target list of potential candidates and encourage our search targets to consider the position and engage in the selection process.

We endeavour to promote our clients positively. Our respected brand, reputation for integrity and ethical conduct enhance our ability to attract desirable candidates, and help develop their trust, which is critical to the entire
recruitment experience.

Database search

Having been in the professional services business for many years, we have an established database of contacts and candidates at the managerial to C-levels in a wide range of industries across China, Hong Kong SAR and Asia, including:

  • Finance, Accounting and Internal Audit
  • Company Secretarial
  • Corporate Finance (SFC Type 6)
  • Investment and Asset Management (SFC Type 4, 9)
  • Securities and Money Lending (SFC Type 1) 
  • Risk Management, Legal and Compliance
  • Human Resources, Learning and Development
  • Information Technology
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Property and Asset Management
  • Education and Statutory Bodies
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Supply Chain Management 
  • Trade and Customs
  • Digitalisation
  • Data and Analytics 

Our database search offers valuable insight into the manpower market, the availability of talent and remuneration range. We are experienced in confidential recruitment. 

Advertised selection

With our broad knowledge of the industry, we can advise our clients on the most appropriate media campaign to promote and market the position. The advertisement will be posted under the KPMG Executive Search and Recruitment brand to attract candidates.

Our recognised commitment to professionalism and integrity encourages applications from serious, high-calibre candidates. To further attract high-quality candidates, we also feature the opportunity on our KPMG China website.

Producing a shortlist

Applications from different sources are assessed against the job description and the candidate specifications that were formulated and agreed with our client.

Potential candidates are then evaluated over a series of personal interviews conducted by our search and recruitment managers.

By maintaining a dialogue with the candidates about the selection process, we work to ensure they maintain a positive impression of the client.

In addition, our consultants are experienced at conducting confidential recruitment process.

We also offer psychometric assessment and testing services encompassing personality questionnaires and aptitude tests to supplement the selection process.

Candidates are shortlisted based on their motivation, qualifications and experience. We aim to provide our clients with quality, skilled candidates who have a genuine interest in the client’s business and whose career plans align with the position.

Offering administrative services

We are experienced in coordinating the recruitment process for clients, from organising the assessment and interview scheduling, to status reporting.

Facilitating employee placements and conducting follow-ups

We support clients as they negotiate employment terms and conditions with selected candidates.

We can also assist clients to obtain references. 

In addition, our team stays in regular contact with the placed candidates to help facilitate a smooth transition period.

Employment Agency License No. 75342
The official website of Labour Department is https://www.labour.gov.hk/eng/news/content.htm