Data is the key to unlocking insights, making informed decisions and maintaining a competitive edge in the dynamic business environment. If a proper data foundation is available, organisations can utilise this to gain a competitive edge by properly understanding market trends, customer behaviour and operational efficiencies. Leveraging data effectively allows businesses to adapt swiftly to changes, ultimately enhancing success and sustainability. 

At KPMG, we specialise in leveraging data to create valuable insights and drive strategic value for your organisation.​

We have extensive experience in analysing business data and assisting companies in driving their competitive advantages. Combining deep business expertise with innovative and proven solutions to help our clients make better and faster decisions in all aspects of their business.​

Our team of professionals encompasses expertise in mathematics, technology and business. We understand the substantial value that Data & Analytics can bring to companies, as reflected in our comprehensive services spanning Audit, Advisory and Tax. 

From data strategy to data engineering across all IT systems

With profound expertise in advanced analytics, we deploy cutting-edge solutions to deliver insightful value through a structured and efficient approach. Additionally, we extend our expertise to assist in various areas, including data strategy and organisation, data analytics and insights, data quality and data management and data engineering.​

Our methodical approach to data analysis enables us to extract information from almost any system. Leveraging KPMG's vast international experience with all major and minor IT systems, we can provide insights into how to develop and expand your data and analytics platform.

We bring value to our clients by

  • fostering a data-centric culture to drive innovation and growth​
  • implementing comprehensive data management solutions to ensure data security and compliance​
  • establishing data governance frameworks to ensure data quality for informed decision-making​
  • building robust data pipelines and processes for efficient data movement and transformation​
  • creating intuitive data visualisations to convey complex insights in a user-friendly manner.

Our offerings

Have you established a well-defined data strategy and a roadmap for implementing your data architecture? A well-defined data strategy lays the groundwork for organisations to harness the full potential of their data assets, aligning them with business objectives. Complemented by data architecture, this strategy ensures efficient data management, integration and accessibility, fostering data-driven decision-making across the entire organisation.

Our approach
At KPMG, we guide you in identifying the right value drivers to effectively execute your strategy, ensuring a tailored and impactful approach to enhance business outcomes.

What we deliver
We help analyse your data comprehensively, providing you with a detailed overview of its untapped potential. By formalising a targeted execution strategy, we empower you with actionable insights to unlock the full value within your data assets. Our delivery ensures a roadmap for harnessing the power of your data to drive informed decision-making and strategic growth.

Are you seeking assistance in gaining a comprehensive understanding of your data or ensuring robust data governance practices? We are here to support you in achieving clarity and excellence in both data overview and governance. Effective data management and governance are the cornerstones of a resilient and thriving organisation.

Our approach
Our approach is simply to carefully manage your data, ensuring data accuracy, quality and security throughout its lifecycle. Through robust governance frameworks, we empower businesses to make informed decisions, maintain compliance and derive maximum value from their data assets.

What we deliver
We will help guide you through the design of a robust data governance framework and actively monitor data quality. Our tailored approach ensures not just compliance but a comprehensive understanding of your business data, facilitating better decision-making and strategic insights.

We specialise in fine-tuning your data, by examining its structure and content. Our goal is to ensure that it not only delivers accurate information but does so in a way that is both effective and user-friendly. In today's fast-paced business environment, user-friendly data is crucial for quick and intuitive decision-making. It enhances accessibility and helps ensure that all employees can easily grasp and utilise the information.

Our approach
Our approach involves seamless integration with your existing tools. With a wealth of experience and a team of trained experts, we specialise in crafting visually compelling layouts that enhance data representation.

What we deliver
We advise you on how you take your data from spreadsheets to actionable insights. Attain a well-organised structure that is user-friendly and accompanied by visuals that precisely convey your intended message – a versatile design that can be consistently reused across various reporting needs.

Does your company have data scattered across the organisation that is challenging to maintain in one place? Our focus on data engineering and platform solutions streamlines this complexity, allowing seamless data flow for enhanced decision-making.

Our approach
Our approach revolves around harnessing the latent power within your organisational data, ensuring a strategic release that drives innovation, efficiency and informed decision-making. Let us empower your business by transforming scattered data into a valuable organisational asset.

What we deliver
We deliver high-quality data platforms designed to elevate your organisation's data infrastructure. Our solutions ensure reliability, scalability and optimal performance, providing a robust foundation for efficient data management and analytics.

Contact us

If you and your company are interested in learning more, don't hesitate to reach out. Contact us to schedule a meeting and explore how we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs.